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Children in School Bus

How You
Can Help

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As an official member of McKinney First you will receive discounted tickets to our programs that we host and co-host. You will also get to vote on which candidates MFPAC endorse at the mayor, city council, ISD school board trustee, Collin College board trustee, and the city of McKinney precinct chair contested races levels. All candidates will be vetted and voted upon.

100% of membership dues goes directly to supporting local conservativsm. 


The future of McKinney conservatism is bright — and that future is being defined, defended, and delivered by McKinney First PAC, a committee devoted to “recapturing the flag of the conservative movement” through our quality newsletters. Stay up to date on the latest happenings and upcoming events, news and announcements. Sign up here to receive the next MFPAC newsletter in your email inbox.


McKinney First PAC is looking for like-minded community members to join us in our Mission. Please consider joining a committee, supporting our election efforts or donating your time and money to this cause. Before you can serve on a commitee for MFPAC, you must become a member. For more information, to find out what members do, and to apply to be a member of MFPAC, please sign up here


Show up to the school board meetings and city council meetings to speak on the issues during the public comments section of the agenda. With government, whoever shows up wins. MFPAC encourages you to wear green to the school board meetings to support the conservative values and the only conservative board trustee, Chad Green. McKinney First PAC always encourages respect and decorum during the public meetings. 


Help local school board and city council candidates that share conservative values and desire to make McKinney the best it can be. MFPAC endorses on the position of mayor, city council, ISD school board trustees, Collin College board trustees, and precinct chair contested races that are located within the city of McKinney limits. Find out who are our endorsed candidates and what pledge they have taken because they align with our traditional conservative values. 


Lying is to the left is what breathing is to biological life. The left has always relied on lies to gain and retain power. This is as true today in McKinney. The conservative voice must be correct in research and louder in truth. Join us on social media, neighborhood conversations, and at the podiums of the school board and city council meetings with truth and ultimately love for our city of McKinney. 


Kids do better in school when parents are involved in their academic lives. Speak out if something inappropriate is sent home with your child. Be watchful with their school logins and viewing what digital assignments they receive. Parents have repeatedly found disturbing materials from the district. Vigilance is warranted. Know what your children are studying. While your child does homework, be available to interpret assignment instructions, offer guidance, answer questions, and review the completed work. Same for teachers, MFPAC supports teachers and we are open for you to send us messages


In the January 2022, special election for a city council seat, only 3.5% of McKinney citizens came out to vote. Get informed! An educated voter is the best kind of voter. Learn about the upcoming available seats and annouced candidates. Click here to find out the next local election and keep track of the MFPAC endorsed candidates


In the city of McKinney their city council and school board meetings are streamed live, but also their past videos are archieved and available to be viewed by the public. The best way to keep an presence on the administrations is to be in-person. Don't forget the agendas for the city council and school board meetings are required to be posted 72 hours before-hand because of the Texas Open Meetings Act


Volunteer opportunities are available for those Patriots who believe in the mission of preserving McKinney values! We need volunteers who are passionate about making McKinney a better place. Please fill out the form and select how you want to be involved, and we will be in touch with you.



Small businesses provide character and individuality to a community. It is neighbors helping neighbors ― friends helping friends. However, small businesses are more than that. They benefit their local communities in many concrete, quantifiable ways. If you are a local business who wants to support the conservative movement in McKinney, please click here


Above all, pray for our community that is being attacked and divided more now than it has ever been. Our bold decision to kneel at God’s throne when we’re being pulled to one side or the other allows God to change our hearts — and the hearts of people we pray for. How can we pray for you? What local issues can we be praying for? 

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