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The Pledge

We support traditional Texas values that include our unique Texas sovereignty, Life, the 2nd Amendment, extremely limited government, balanced budgets, low taxes, parent choice, religious freedom, strong military and law enforcement, privacy rights and all other values McKinney constituates hold dear.

It Really Is This Simple

Politicians lie and they do it often – and when convenient or serves their best purpose.

While examining past voting records, statements and other factors during the vetting process of a candidate, we get an insight into his or her past history. This has some bearing on how they will vote in the future. How many times have we heard the promises, only to be disappointed later, with some excuse like “they had to vote for that budget-busting bill, because…”

No longer. To receive the endorsement of McKinney First PAC, candidates must unequivocally sign our pledge, if they seek the approval of fellow McKinney constituents who believe McKinney deserves to be put first. .


We do NOT allow a 95% pledge, or ANY pledge criteria to be changed or re-worded to suit them. They sign off 100% or they lose our support – or worse, we feverishly work against them to expose their so-called Conservative bona fides.

Real McKinney Conservatives

For many years in Texas, we could count on Republicans to staunchly defend Texas Conservative values. Sadly, the average Republican today is not the ultimate defender of Texas Conservative values in which most Texans cherish.

Real conservatives know all too well, that moving to middle ultimately leads to losing Texas elections. Yet, many Texas Republicans are funded by out-of-state lobbyists and big money donors and are beholden to their values instead of ours.

One of our jobs in McKinney First PAC is to separate the real Texas conservatives from the fake ones. How do we do that?

By asking them to “pledge” to a contract with McKinney residents to only vote for OUR conservative values and to heavily weigh each voting decision they make, for either the position of mayor, city council member, ISD school board trustee, Collin College board member, or as a precinct chair, with OUR values and both the U.S. and Texas Constitutions.

For those that sign their name and their sacred honor to this pledge, we will consider an endorsement upon further discussions, review of any voting record (if applicable) and other criteria we may establish from time-to-time at our sole discretion. For those that don’t – a simple but straightforward warning. While we recruit, groom and finance opponents of the fake Republican conservatives, we will continually expose current and past voting records that contradict with conservative Texas values.

God Bless America! God Bless McKinney! 

Read the Pledge


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Special Thanks

A special thanks to Texans for True Conservatives (TFTC) for their guidance and dedication to support REAL Texas Conservatives. 

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