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Reviewing Paperworks

Financial Accountability

In McKinney First PAC, we are not only going to ask transparency from the local government but we are going to provide transparency in our own selves. Our filer ID number with the Texas Ethics Commission is 00085289. McKinney First PAC (MFPAC) was created on January 29th, 2021 and if you have any specific detailed questions, we welcome you to email our current PAC Treasurer at 

Texas Ethics Commission - Campaign Finance Guide
for Political Committees

This guide is a summary of the campaign finance regulations applicable to political committees. These regulations are set out in Title 15 of the Texas Election Code (chs. 251 – 259) and in the rules adopted by the Texas Ethics Commission.

A political committee, commonly referred to as a “PAC,” is “two or more persons acting in concert with a principal purpose of accepting political contributions or making political expenditures.” Tex. Elec. Code § 251.001(12). A political committee may be a large group such as an organization that collects money to support many different candidates. A political committee may also be a small group such as two people who get together to raise funds for an old friend who is a candidate for a local office. However, a group composed exclusively of two or more individual filers or political committees required to file reports under Title 15 of the Election Code for reportable expenditures for a joint activity is not considered a political committee.¹

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McKinney First PAC's Campaign Finance Reports

These campaign finance reports are due every January and July of the year. Additional reports may be required during certain campaign seasons. These reports are filed at the Texas Ethics Commission. They are listed below from the most recent report.

Below is the 2021 general financial report. 

Curious About Other Political Action Committees​

If you are curious about the other Political Action Committees (PACs) located in the state of Texas check out this Excel File. This file is updated daily and also it provides their contact information.

Curious About Candidates and Their Finances 

People have said if you want to get to know someone, get out their check book and review their checkbook ledger. Same goes with candidates and campaigns. One the best websites to use in your research is Transparency USA. If you specifically would like to see the campaign financial reports for the candidates in Collin County, check out this link. Do you have another website that you'd like to suggest? Email us at

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